Friday, February 18, 2011

Free Qur'an Project


Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward? [Qur'an: 57:11]

The Qur'an Project allows each and every one of us to contribute towards a national Dawah project, granting us all the opportunity to benefit from the work and receive a portion of the good deeds insha'Allah! This is a unique project in that not only are we distributing FREE English Translations of the Qur'an to non-Muslims, the book itself is more than just a simple translation. It is in fact a fully comprehensive guide for non-Muslims, who insha'Allah can benefit in learning about the many aspects of Islam such as how to become a Muslim, and a short guide on performing wudu and salaah -- just to name a few.

What we're asking for is financial contributions towards the printing of further copies. This will enable us to carry on with the good work of spreading the Deen of Islam. Just imagine the benefits of being involved in this project, even if you donate just a little. Every non-Muslim who reverts due to receiving a copy of our book, will be sure to utilise the contents due to the vast number of issues covered. It functions as a simple guide for new Muslims, who can study the basics and develop a sound understanding of the fundamentals of Islam. So, every word acted upon and every action implemented will mean that you receive an on-going share of the reward insha'Allah - can any of us afford to turn down an opportunity like this?

Please spread the word, get involved and secure your share!

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